Sunday, December 10, 2017

December 4, 2017

Dear everyone,

Happy December! I can’t believe that it’s December already! I know I probably say that time keeps on moving faster and faster each week but it really does. Sorry if it gets old. 

This was a busy week. It started off with a Team Up. I went with Elder Damon. I had the privilege to get back on a bike again. We were able to talk to so many people and give away a lot of Book of Mormons. It is so much easier to talk with people when you are biking. One lady that was pretty cool is we talked to her about what the Book of Mormon was and all that it teaches. She seemed to be down on her lick and be humbled. Her name is Nichole and the lord has seemed to prepare her just like he is preparing so many people in this world to receive the gospel. That was the highlight of the night. Hopefully she will stay in touch with those missionaries and continue to strengthen her faith in Christ. 

Then we had Zone Conference this week! I love Zone Conference!! You always walk away feeling like you can conquer the world!! It’s so true as we turn to the lord for help he will truly help us over come everything. The focus of the Zone Conference was becoming the message. It was one of my favorite Conferences because we focused on sacrifice and what we can offer Christ for all that he has done with. From the Conference I have come to desire to give god my will. Really if you think about it that is really all that we can offer him. He can take our possessions. He can take our family. He can take us from this earth. But the only thing he can’t take but desires most of all from us is a broken heart and a contrite spirit. He just wants us to be happy. The happiest that we can ever be is if we follow him and do his will!

Following Zone Conference we had a couple exchanges. The first exchange I was with Elder Martineau. He is a smart Elder who has great insight about a lot of things. One thing that I learned was no matter what happens you don’t need to stress just trust in the lord and he will continue to lead you along and you will never be led astray! That’s a super comforting thought to me.

I hope that you all have a great week! Remember to #LighttheWorld this Christmas season!!!


Elder Berry

November 27, 2017

Hello Everyone,

This has been a really fast week. Between picking up a new companion to trying to get everything figured out for zone Conference it has been crazy. 

Elder Nelson and I got a new missionary to be companions with. His name is elder Gillins. He is from Las Vegas Nevada. He is waiting for his visa to go and serve in the Philippines. He is a really cool comp and has a lot of insights.

Can I just say that the church is a small world. I ran into a guy named Scotty who served his mission in Idaho. He severed in my aunts Shalaina's Ward a few years back. It was such a small world as we talked about the people that we know and the stories that we were able to tell about the people that we both new.

A member gave us money to go and get something to eat. We decided to go to in and out. We all got really good hamburgers and it was so delicious. We were enjoying our food so much that we spooned realized that we were running out of time for dinner. So we wanted to be good Missionaries and leave on time. As we left and continued on with our day Elder Nelson realized that he had left his iPad at in and out. So about 90 Minutes passed before we were able to go and get it. We were all thinking that his iPad was gone. But when we got there someone saw that it was left and gave it to the employees. It’s just so cool to see that people are still kind hearted and do help other people out.

We had a lot of meeting this week. So there is not a whole lot to tell you about. Oh I guess that we ate thanksgiving this week. We were blessed to have 2 dinners. There are a lot of people who care about the missionaries in the world. I think that everyone in the Elk Grove Zone had more then enough with food and left overs.

Elder Berry

November 20, 2017

Dear Friends,

This week was transfer week. I will be staying in the Consumes River Ward. Elder Nelson will still be my companion and I am super excited. It’s going to be a fun Christmas/ Thanksgiving season.

I was able to attend the baptism of Lawrence. He was someone that some sister have been teaching for a long while. The sisters worked really hard to help him prepare for baptism. They had to help him through a lot of things but he did end up getting baptized.

Then I also for got to say that Elder Nelson and I will be training a new missionary the next couple of transfers. We don’t know who it is. We will pick him up tomorrow. So exciting.

Have a great week

Elder Berry

Saturday, November 18, 2017

November 13, 2017


This week was a really fun/fast week. To start off transfers are coming up in a week so I will keep you posted on what happens with that. I don’t know what will happen but it will be all good because the Lord will be in charge.

We has interviews this week. It’s always good to be able to see President Hymas. We had a good talk about what the whole missionary process and how the Lord works. One thing that he has us think about before the interview was “What is keeping you from being the missionary that the Lord wants us to be?” It was a good review to be able to think as I am closing on my mission.

We had MLC his week which was fun. We really focused on follow up on the things that the mission president has extended to us. It was really cool to see the progress that the mission has made as we are still keeping The commitments that we have been given. Then President Hymas talked about what we need to feel, know and do to be converted to be gospel.

This was a really great week. To finish off the email I want to tell you about an exchange that I was able to go on this week. I went with Elder Henry. As we were talking it turns out that his mom went to Rigby High School and graduated with Micalla Neff. What a small world the gospel.

Hope you all have a great week!

Elder Berry

November 6, 2017

Hello Everyone,

This was a fast week. It just seemed like I blinked and it was gone. We started off the week by doing some service for this member named Brother Henry. We helped trim some of his trees that needed to be trimmed for a while. He has Parkinson’s disease and he really can’t do a lot for himself. It was really cool to talk with him. He talked about all of the different places that he has been in life and all the experiences he has had in life. He talked about when he lived in North Dakota that he went deer hunting all of the time. He said that he went dear hunting that he would come home with 6 deer. That crazy to think about when my family goes hunting that we can barely get one some times.

The. I was on exchanges with an Elder Allen. We had a hard time catching people home pretty much the whole day, but we decided to try and see a recent convert and he wasn’t home. We were able to talk with his brother and get a return appointment for today. We are really excited about that.

This Halloween we were all together as a zone for a training. The training was very fun. We talked a lot about unity and how when we are unified that we can do all things through Jesus Christ.

I gave my first District Meeting this week. One of the District Leaders was not able to be there for District Meeting so it fell on me to have something for the missionaries to learn about. I think it was good at least that’s what all of the missionaries said.

Then last thing from this week is we were on a team up and we went and went to teach a lesson with this lady named Lindsey. The lesson started off really well. She started off the lesson by saying I prayed about the Book of Mormon and I know that it is true. It was a really cool experience to hear how she got her answer to know if the Book of Mormon is true. But at the end of the lesson she accepted to be baptized on December 2. That is really exciting for her.

Have a great week.

Love Elder Berry


October 30, 2017


This week was a really busy week. It was good I was blessed to go on 3 exchanges. To start I went with Elder Cook. We went up to the local collage and did some college, contacting. It’s fun being able to talk with people who are trying to figure out what they believe. They are really open to learning things. They may not be open to taking the lessons but they are definitely not stuck in their ways and are willing to try new things. This can be good and bad. The good part is they want to more because they are curious but they just want to know because they are curious. They don’t always have the real intent that you would hope that some one would have. 

Then I got to go on an exchange with Elder Pierson. This is not the same Elder Pierson as my former companion, but he is still pretty cool. He serve part of his mission in England so he told me some pretty cool stories about when he was over there. We also went to the college campus to talk with people. We talk to this girl who is from Italy. She is super nice and would hear us out. We had a good conversation about how god is their. She grew up around a lot of Catholic and said she is Catholic by association only. She doesn’t really believe that there is a God or at least she doesn’t care to find a relationship with him right now. But she is pretty nice.

To finish up the exchanges I went with Elder Pennington. It was really fun. I had been on exchanges with him before so it was Elder Barry “N” Pennington back together one last time before he goes home. We had a lot of things that we talked about. One thing that we talked about is that it’s not the mission that changes us but it’s the atonement that does change us. On the mission is just a time that we really can turn to the Lord and let him shape us. And he has changed a lot.  I hope that I can say the same.

This coming week I am going to be in a trio companionship. That’s going to be fun. Elder Henry is the 3rd member to the Alastair team and I am excited to learn a lot from him.

I hope that you all ha e a great week!!!

Elder Berry

You made it!!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

October 23, 2017

Hello Everyone,

This has been a really fast and fun week. We had a really busy week and I am very tired so you will have to excuse anything that does not make sense.

To start we started by going on a team up with a couple of Elders. A team up is when you go with another missionary for a few hours. I went with Elder Martineau . He has been on his mission for about 6 Months. The area that he is serving  pretty rural. We started off the night by trying to track down a referral for a member. But him being new in the area and I never really have been in their area before we got lost and spent a good while trying to find where they lived. By the time that we had got there the house looked like everyone was asleep. We didn’t feel it would be a good idea to go and knock on because people would have just gotten mad at us for getting to there house so late. So we went and saw a convert of a few years and set up a time for them to come aback and teach some of 5e new member lessons. It was good to be out with Elder Martineau and learn a little form him.

Them I got to go on a team up with Elder Edgington. We were able to hit the bikes for a few hours and talk with some people. We talked to this guy named B.J. A really nice man but he doesn’t believe in god. He asked us how we are so successful and we said we could come back but he didn’t really want us to come back. He was convertible in his life. Most people are comfortable in life so they don’t think that they really need anything else in life. But we went to one of their Progressing Investigators and and talked about seeking first the kingdom of god 1 Nephi 13:33. We invited her to pray about baptism and she said that she would pray about it. That was a really exciting night.

We got a call from this lady asking help to move this Hoarder. It was horrible. It was probably one of the worst houses I ha e ever moved. I looked inside her fridge just to see what it was like. One breath in and look inside I start to through up. It was so nasty. Sorry I didn’t get any pictures. But it was so back that you could Bailey walk into the front door. Hopefully they will be able to get all of the stuff gone soon and they will get everything done.

We had Zone conference this week. It was focused on teaching the restoration and getting back to the basics. It was really good. We really went through the time line of the restoration and apostasy how ever thing played out in years. When you have a foundation based on Christ you can really start to understand the small details of how the little things happened. I got to see Elder Anderson there whatcha was so good to see him. 

To finish up the week I went on an exchange with Elder Snow. We both came out together and this was my second Exchange with his and it was really fun. We went to this former investigator's house named Marquis. A really cool guy. We invited him to be baptized and he agreed to, but he will ha e to come to church first. That was his big problem why he wasn’t baptized last time so hopefully he will be i in a place to where he can be baptized and he wants to come to church!

I hope you all have a great week! Continue to hold strong there is light at the end of the tunnel!!

Elder Berry


October 16, 2017


This week has been a really fun week. Elder Nelson is a lot of fun. This week has been a lot of craziness. Elder Nelson grew up here the first 13 years of his life here in Elk Grove so as we have been doing missionary work we would run into people that he knew back from when he lived here.

This week we did a lot of finding this week. But in the middle of finding we had to help some sisters change their tire. It was a really fast week.

Sorry I am distracted this week just a lot of things happening and things that need to be planned. This Wednesday we have Zone Conference. I am really excited about that. The theme of the focus of
the conference in the restoration and I am extremely excited for it. It's always so good to get back to the basics of the gospel and strengthen your testimony in the little things.

Today as a zone we had a zone activity. We did a bunch of minute to win it games. It was fun but it can be hard to plan for a whole zone with 20 different people in it. But I think that everyone had fun. At least they seemed to have fun.

Next week I will for sure not be as distracted but there is a lot to think about this coming week.

Elder Berry

Saturday, October 14, 2017

October 10, 2017


As you probably know but we had transfers this weekend that is why I am emailing to day. Sorry I didn't say anything last week I totally forgot to mention that last week. I will be staying in the CRW YSA in Elk Grove. My new companion is Elder Nelson. He is from Meridian, Idaho. It going to be a pretty fun transfer. There are lot of great
things in the works.

This week we got to help at a set up for a pumpkin festival which I was able to help out last when I was on Elk Grove the first time. It's so weird being back here during the same time.

We took Elder Pearson (my old companion) down to the mission office. Because he finished his mission. It really weird thinking about all of the missionaries that are going home. I never would have thought how fast time has gone. It has gone in a blink of an eye.

Sorry this email is so short. Not a lot happened this week besides trying to help get people transferred and everything. I am excited for next week. We are going to be working as a zone on righteous desires.

I hope that you all have a great week and you know that the church is true, the Book of Mormon is true and I love being a missionary.

Have a great week.

Elder Berry

October 2, 2017

Hello everyone,

I want to start by wishing you a happy October. It crazy that it is October and we are in the holiday season. Time never seems to slow down for anything. But what can happen is I can get more time on my mission. My mission has been extended. Instead of coming home on June 16. I will be coming home on June 20. This happened because it just helps out with making the transfer process a little easier for the missionaries across the world. 

I got to go on an exchange with one of my old companions this week. That was really fun I went with Elder Pearson. It so way fun being with him. It has been about 3 months since I have been with him but it didn't even feel like it has been that long. We were able to go and see this returning less active member who has a friend that wants to know more about the church. It was just really cool to see how we set up a time to meet with this person and it actually happened. It just shows the difference that happens when you work through members verses trying to do everything by your self. 

I was also able to go on a couple of team as well this week. I was able to go on one with Elder Snow. We were in the MTC together. It was really fun to see the changes that he has had. This was the first time that I have served around since the MTC. But we met this YSA named Danny. He was super cool. He had just losses a love one and we were able to read some scriptures about the plan of salvation with him and he seemed to enjoy it. Hopefully we will be able to work with him in the coming week. The other team up that I got to go on was with Elder Cook. He is a fun loving Elder who likes to have fun but really is able to work hard at the same time. You would never really know how many cool people that there are in the world if you would just take the time to just talk with the person standing next to you.

We had MLC (Missionary Leadership Council) on Friday. So this weekend was full of a lot of great stuff. One thing that was really talked about was faith and hope. Sister Hymas said something that really has stuck with me. She said "Our strength comes from obedience, our courage comes from faith & hope." As I though about this I came to understand that life is hard. And it's up to our attitude to weather we enjoy our trials or we are miserable. But MLC was great a lot of great things learned and talked about. 

But General Conference was awesome to. It was sad to see Elder Hales pass away. But I know that he is a great man and he has done all that he needs. I hope his family is doing good. But there are a lot of things that I love from Conference. 1st was from Elder Stephen W. Owen he said "You can loose everything that you have learned or gained for your testimony in a matter of months if you don't maintain it." We don't just gain something and have it forever sitting on a shelf. Like a car you have to change the oil put gar in it and so on. It won't last very long if you don't maintain it. Then from Elder John C. Pingree Jr. he said "There can be much good if I desire." I think much if life if we really don't want something. Then we won't give our all in getting it. It is when we give our everything for something good when we are able to truly see great things happen. 3rd Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said "Be more god like in the little things!!!"  I had never really thought about being more god like in the little things. Like I always heard growing up perfect practice makes perfect. If we are striving to be like god then most of the time we will be perfect in our effort because we are doing what our Heavenly Father wants us to do because we love him. 

To finish I hope you know that I know that President Monson is a prophet. He is led by god. The Book of Mormon is the word of god, most important god has and will always love you!!

I hope you all have a great week!

Elder Berry

A guy found a tv and was walking done the street with it. 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

September 25, 2017

Hello everyone,

This week has been a great week!

As a zone we are trying to invite 200 people to be baptized in about 20 days. As we have set a goal that is going to stretch us it has been so cool to see the miracles that Heavenly Father has been working in the people that we get to teach. It crazy on how many miracles there has been as a zone.

To start I was able to go on a team up with a Elder named Elder Edgington. We were able to hit the bikes and talk to a lot of people. We invited a few people. There were not a whole lot of people that really wanted to know more or talk to us about the Book of Mormon. So towards the end of the team up and decided to knock a random door. When we went and knocked that door a kid came out and started to talked with us. As we talked with him he told us how he has been to a Mormon church before with his friend before he had moved into his current house. We then talked about baptisms and the need for it. We then invited him to be baptized and he said yes. We were able to get his phone number and I look forward to see how he is able to progress towards baptism. 

Then I got to go on an exchange with Elder Tillack. He is a new missionary who has been out from the MTC for about a month. He has had a lot of growth. We were really able to focus on talking with everyone and tried to have a powerful exchange. The whole day there was not a lot of people that would really talk with us very much. But that ok. We continued to work and when it was time to go home we were biking home and Elder Tillack saw someone that I didn't and he went and talked to him. I was grateful that he had saw him. Nothing really came from the contact but it was cool to see how much Elder Tillack had grown over that exchange.

We had a Investigator who was on date to get baptized. But he went on a trip to L.A. Those trips will really get you. He went on the trip and decided that he wants to live there so he is not coming back. I was like what! But that's ok he said that he wants to meet with missionaries down there. So that was good to hear that he is still wanting to get baptized. 

We have been trying to find more people to teach so we decided to go to the local university and just with the young adults on the campus. It was pretty fun. We met this person named Joey and we gave him a Book of Mormon. He is trying to learn Spanish so he asked if we could get him one in Spanish. So hopefully we will be able to get that to him this week. 

Then I had a weird experience last night. We were walking around an apartment complex looking for a member of our ward to see where he lives. We didn't have any luck there. But we stopped and talked with this guy who was not very interested and didn't give us the time of day. But right after that the lord blessed us with this guy named Martin who came out and invited us into him home. He is a 7 Day Adventist. But really cool.  He talked about how he use to do that and he prayed for us and wish us the best in our endeavors. He wasn't really interested in learning about what we believe but it was cool to see that the spirit work in many different people's lives. 

I hope you all have a great week
Elder Berry

Faith, Hope, Charity

This week has been full of different kind of studies, but the thing that stood out to me most this week was Faith, Hope, Charity. As i was studying i read Moroni 7:46 which says "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail." Charity is the greatest according to the word of god. As i was studying i always heard and read that we need to have Faith, Hope, Charity. If Charity is so important and so great then why is Charity not first in the order? 

I started to study faith first because that is the first thing that i have always heard. So i learned that we all need to have faith as we do have faith it is always followed by action. Weather it be someone wanting to get to know Christ better so they will read scriptures about Christ so they can know him better. Or for instance someone wants o be the best at a sport they are going to practice a lot more then the other people so that they are better. Then last but not least if we want to grow our testimony we are going to read the scriptures, pray, follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and so on. That is what i learned about faith. There is always an action that follows faith. Other wise as the Apostle Paul teaches the faith will die.

I followed studying faith by studying hope. Hope is a great thing. Hope is having the confidence that miracles will happen in your life. Weather you need help trying to work on a project. Heavenly Father will help you as you have the faith or the works and the hope to figure out how to finish the project. I have come to decide that hope is merely the attitude that we have as we have faith in something or are working to wards something. Hope has been and will always be intermingled with faith. If not we are doing something wrong.

Then last but not least charity. What is so important about charity i ask myself? Well charity is the pure love of christ. Charity will always hope for things which are not seen. Charity prays that your peers will succeed. Charity is giving to someone who is in need. I think charity is a means to an end. Not a end to a means. Charity is a  way for us to have hope in our lives as we grow our faith. I don't think you can have the 1 with out the other 2. It is so important that we have faith or works but we also have a good attitude/hope witch will lead us to have real intent. And as charity is the pure love of christ we will always do as christ does if we strive to be life him everyday. All the other things will be taken care of if we focus on the little things.


September 18, 2017


This week was really fun. After getting to email last week we headed up to the mission home to spend a few hours with President and Sister Hymas. It was super fun we got to go with my whole zone along with  another zone. It was so much fun. We played a lot of fun games. We really got to know the Hymas's better. Got to see some old comps. It was really fun. 

Then I got to go on an exchange with a new missionary named Elder Henry. He is from Spanish fork Utah. He is really tall as well. He has been in the field for about 3 weeks so it was cool to see the growth that he has had since the first time that I got to go out with him. During the exchange we saw these people parked on the side of the road with their hazards on. We stopped and were able to help them. They didn't speak much English so we got to help them call a tow truck to help pick them up. They live down in Stockton, CA so we were able to follow up with them. But we were able to get their contact info and refer it to the missionaries down there. That was pretty cool.

Then we were able to do some family history with a recent convert in this ward named Ian. We help get him started and pointed in the right direction. But while we were with him we didn't have much success if finding any names. But after we left we got s message from him saying that he was working on it and he found a big tree line in his tree and he found some names to do at the temple. When he went to the temple he had a really cool experience. He had mentioned to us that he can see why so many people like to go to the temple so often. Pretty cool to see the change that he has had. 

Then I had an interview with president Hymas. It was really cool. Now that I know him it really is more personal and really can feel the loves that he has not just for me but for all the missionaries. 

Then through studies this week I really understand better a few things.....

Real Intent

This week i have bee focusing a lot of Having "Real Intent" as you do all things in your life. It has definitely been cool to see how much you get out of things when you put a lot more effort into them. Crazy to think that's how things work. Threw this last week i have seen a lot of people who have done the same thing. For example reading the Book of Mormon. There are a lot of people who get a lot more out of reading the Book of Mormon then other people do. I think that it all goes back to the real intent and why they are doing it. Kind of their motivation for reading. As i have applied the this principal i have definitely see a big change in how my scripture study turns out and the things that i am able to apply in my life. I am also very grateful for the spirit that comes in abundance with the effective studies. When Real Intent stops the downward slide of pain and misery begins. The point real intent ceases is the point where regression encroaches on our lives. You must always strive for real intent in all things to diminish the effect of the advisory. 

Allegory of The Olive Tree

As i was studying Jacob 5 i was able to understand it a little better. It's a very big chapter and there is a lot that's in it. When I read verse 65 and it talked about how we can not cut down to many branches at once or the roots will be to powerful for the branches and the tree will not have balance and it will die. If you look at the branches as out works both good and bad. You want to try to cut down the bad branches but you have to do it little by little. (Alma 37:6, 1 Nephi 16.29) Then as you go and read in verse 73 it talks about how they had to keep a balance in the branches and the roots. I really like to think about this. Because it is so important that we have a balance in life in all things or life just gets harder. Life is already hard. We need to be doing things that make it easier not harder. Then to finish in Jacob 6:4 it talks about how the lord always remembers the roots and the branches. This is just a big comfort to me because it shows that no matter when, what, or where. God is still watching. He does it all because he loves you and me. 

Elder Berry


Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 11, 2017

Hello everyone,

This has been a pretty good week. We were able to go on exchanges. That is always fun to be able to go on exchanges with other missionaries and get to know them. I went with Elder Brown. He is from Ohio. It was a fun exchange. We were able to hit the bikes and talk with a lot of people. We were able to send off a lot of referrals which was cool because I always like getting referrals. But not a whole lot of craziness happened while we were on exchanges. We were just able to get to know each other and become better Missionaries. 

Then I got to go on a spilt with one of my former companions Elder Pearson. It was fun to be able to be with him. We were helping out the hermanas (sister missionaries) in there area. They are in the Spanish ward, it was kind of hard to talk with them because neither of us can speak Spanish. But it is all right because Heavenly Father made up the difference. 

Then we have been working with this guy named Edward. He wants to get baptized but he has just been out of town for the last few weeks. So it's been hard to meet with him. He had a baptismal date for September 16, but we had to take him off because we haven't been able to stay in touch with him very well. But once we can get in contact I am sure that we will be able to make that covenant of baptism with Heavenly Father. 

Then early this week we got a call from some missionaries. They told us that one of the missionaries ate a tree nut. He is allergic to tree nuts. So we hurried to their apartment to see what little help we could offer. We got there and called the mission doctor. He headed right out to see how he could help. By the time that the doctor got there the missionary was having trouble breathing and sounded like an old man who has smoked for 40 years. The mission doctor to one look at him and said that we have to go to the hospital asap. So they got in his car and I followed him. I was going at high speeds just to keep up with him. It was a pretty crazy ride weaving through traffic. But we got to the hospital and they treated him and he is doing much better. It seemed to be pretty close. Too close for me, but every one is all right. 

Then during the week I had a few thoughts that I felt I should right down. 
Thoughts of The Week

Raise a Voice of warning.

We talked to this guy on the street named Leonard. He. Was an older gentleman who was going to the storee when we talked with him. He stopped on his way to talk to us. We tried to relate how going to the store is like getting fed physically. We asked him what he does to be able to get fed spirtually. He said that he likse to read the Bible. We were like, "Oh yeah we like that!" 

As we started to ask him question about how he looks to prophets we posed the question "Does God still have prophets today?" He said no. But as we were able to talk with him he seemed sincere about what he believed but it was just hard for me to understand about how he believes that God once has prophets but doesn't have any anymore. So as we talked with him this was the first time that I had a conversion with someone on the street that didn't turn into a Bible-Bash. But a really good discussion. I hope that we were able to raise a voice of warning for him that he might be able to some day pick up the Book of Mormon and have some sincerity and real intent when he reads it.

Jesus knows what we are going through. 

We went and saw this less active named "TJ." He is. Really cool young man who is trying to quit smoking. As we talked he talked about his struggles of wanting to play football and not being able to. Then he talked about how he is trying to give up smoking, but it is so hard for him to do that. I could not relate to him because I have never had a challenge like that. But I sure know of someone who is living and breathing just like I am living and breathing. That is Jesus Christ. He knows what we are all going through. As Elder Yorgason and I testified that the Savior knos what challenges he faces I had a feeling of peace go over that I didn't need to know what he is going through. Just the fact that Jesus is there and He will always be there is enough for me. I love and testify that the Savior lives. He know you and me on a personal level and always wants the best for us. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able have this knowledge and I will be forever grateful for His sacrifice.

I hope you all have a great week! Let me know if I can do anything for you!

Elder Berry
